Friday, March 15, 2013

Eric's cont fight with East Riding Yorks Council

A post from Eric from the wilderness (lol)

When l first started this blog it was because l just wanted to share my experience with ERYC CPE and highlight what they were doing. l'm certain l'm not the only one who has suffered at their hands but l had no great expectations of getting many visitors and indeed that was the case ... l was lucky to get double figures per day. However l carried on because l needed to finish my account and that l believed would be Part 6. From there, l fully expected this blog to remain at that. What further entrenched this expectation was the total lack of response from ERYC bosses, South Holderness Councillors and ALL the councillors at Withernsea Town Council. l'd contacted them all.

When you read their profiles you see such words as integrity, freedom, justice and so forth. They seem not to understand what these words actually mean. In fact, it reminds me of the French Vichy Government of World War 2.

l'm also reminded of this " All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent". Well the silence has been deafening.

So l thought 'Well, that's it',  my only seemingly forlorn hope was if ERYC did something stupid otherwise the blog would gather dust, be covered in cobwebs and disappear into virtual obscurity. Lo and behold! up turn ERYC Legal Dept and threaten me. No longer was l getting vistors in double figures if l was lucky, l now have thousands! :) l still don't have this alleged letter from the ERYC Legal Dept but that's their own fault. They should've talked to Paula Danby, Service Manager of ERYC Streetscene Sevices. She had my contact address before ERYC  Legal Dept allegedly sent this letter. Seeing as Streetscene Services supposedly asked the ERYC Legal Dept to take action against me ... you would think they'd talk to each other! :)

l do hope they continue, l'd love to go to court and defend my position. There's every chance that my story would then go national and my visitor stats will then go through the roof. Now that would be something!

l'm writing this on my phone and will send it to my friend to post as l have no internet here. l'm currently camped up at the side of a forest next to a lake ... it's stunning. Pity l can't send photos but l'll try and post them at a later date. lt is very tranquil and relaxing. l suppose at some point l'll have to visit to the rat race but l'm in no hurry.

One last thing, l think l need a pseudonym as author of this blog. Seeing as my blog is against ERYC, phonetically that comes across as ERIC. I shall be Eric! :)

Bye for now,
Thanks everybody for all the comments. lt's appreciated

1 comment:

  1. Lt Col Frank SladeMarch 15, 2013 at 3:01 PM

    I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired and I'm too fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flame-thrower to this place!

    Frank talking about ERYC? ;-)
